directed by the notorious Roman Polanski, is not light viewing. This 130 minute movie tells a devastating
story about a woman living in the 1940s who is just one of many that is
destroyed by the intrigues of her politically powerful father. Such a matter comes to the attention of an investigator
named Jake Gittes (Jack Nicholson), a sleuth with anything but a decent
Evelyn Mulwray (Faye Dunaway) was married to a man named
Hollis (Darrell Zwerling). Hollis is a
decent man who cares deeply for his wife and Evelyn’s daughter, Katherine. Hollis is also an incorruptible chief
engineer for the water department in the city of Los Angeles. When Hollis turns up dead, the mortician gives
his official version of the death as follows: “Only in L.A., can the Water
Commissioner drown in the middle of a drought.”
First hired on to discover if Hollis is having an affair, Jake turns his
attention to Evelyn’s father, Noah Cross (John Huston), to determine if he
murdered Hollis.
Noah is no ordinary villain.
He essentially owns the city of Los Angeles and doesn’t know how much
money he really has. Noah isn’t
satisfied with just having money, however.
As he tells Jake later in the film, “most people never have to face the
fact that at the right time and the right place, they're capable of anything.” For Noah, this even includes sleeping with and
impregnating his own daughter, Evelyn.
It is late in the movie when Evelyn utters the horrible truth to Jake
that Katherine is both her sister and her daughter. Evelyn’s life comes to an end in Chinatown where the police
are corrupt and just do not care. Evelyn’s
in Chinatown in an attempt to escape Noah Cross and to protect Katherine from discovering
who her father really is.
When this film first came out it was considered a modernized
version of the Raymond Chandler or Dashiell Hammett stories of the 1940s where virtually
no one but a select few actually care about what the truth really is. As a reincarnated Sam Spade or Phillip
Marlowe, Jake Gittes does not inspire us as someone who should carry on such a
task. Jake has made a career
investigating infidelities for questionable clients and now is expected to
protect people like Evelyn who he has come to care for.
It a film with an already intricate plot, Chinatown satirizes an establishment who
will readily bow down to someone as sadistic as Noah Cross. Anyone like Hollis or Evelyn who dares
protest such a farce ends up being dead.
The film’s conclusion that such a power inevitably prevails over justice
is in almost every respect a somber and hopeless one.
Unfortunately, the storyline is magnificently convincing and few in Hollywood have ever had the skills let alone integrity to make a more positive film any better.
Unfortunately, the storyline is magnificently convincing and few in Hollywood have ever had the skills let alone integrity to make a more positive film any better.
May 31, 2014
© Robert S. Miller 2014